£8.00 - On Sale
'The Cost of Living' by Former Monarchs on CD. Comes with a free Bandcamp Download Code.*
Former Monarchs have spent the past 9 months carefully constructing their debut album, 'The Cost of Living'. The Irish four piece have been relatively quiet since touring their previous releases in 2011 and 2012, while they prioritised the recording of their first album. However, they still found time to break their hibernation to play a handful of headline dates and support slots with And So I Watch You From Afar, Enemies and Fighting with Wire.
'The Cost of Living' leads on perfectly from their previous releases, full of diverse dynamics, clinical vocals, interweaving guitars and precise driving drums. The album was recorded by Christian Best, a renowned Irish producer, who got the best out of Former Monarchs and dramatically improved the production values beyond previous releases. While the addition of strings, brass and piano enhances the musicianship found within 'The Cost of Living' even further.
Track Listing:
1. Origins
2. Armour
3. Buyer Beware
4. Home
5. Birdsong
6. Evade
7. Battlelines
8. Clans
9. Mori
10. 1000 Planes
11. Machine Halls
For fans of: Marvin's Revolt, Redneck Manifesto, American Football, You Slut!
*If you are ordering from Ireland, you can save a few Euros on the P&P by ordering here: http://formermonarchs.bandcamp.com/album/the-cost-of-living